Aspects of Political Theology in the Spiritual Autobiography of Nicolae Steinhardt


  • Iuliu Marius Morariu PhD, „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Pretoria University, South Africa Angelicum Pontifical University, Rome



Diary of happiness, prison, communist period, Romania, Zinoviev


Important personality of the Romanian space, the Jew Nicolae Steinhardt that will discover the Christianity in prison and will be baptised in Jilava prison, will be not only an intellectual with ecumenical vocation, but also a writer that offers a rich testimony about the way how Communism from the Romanian space can not only ruin a life, but also make one to come closer to God and arrive to a deeper consciousness of the real values of life  and spirituality that will therefore be connected to the cultural space, seen as an alternative and a form of survival in the Prison life. Both the experience that he had as an imprisoned for political reasons, like the one after his release will be emphasized in his discontinuous journal and therefore aspects like political theology will come as outcomes of his experiences or as forms of presenting the conclusions of his lectures.

Contribution: Based on The diary of happiness, the most important and the most translated work of Nicolae Steinhardt (translated in 20 languages), that constitutes also an important part of the samizdat literature from Romania during the Communist period, the present research emphasizes the way how Steinhardt’s spiritual autobiography comes in contact with the political theology, bringing into attention the pillars of his conception.


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How to Cite

Morariu, I. M. (2022). Aspects of Political Theology in the Spiritual Autobiography of Nicolae Steinhardt. Postmodern Openings, 13(4), 548-560.

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