Exploring Students' Perception Concerning Educational Coaching: Premises for the Design and Implementation of an Online Coaching Platform in Academia


  • Gabriel Gorghiu Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania
  • Mihai Bîzoi Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania
  • Elena-Ancuţa Santi Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania




academic coaching, coach, teachers, students, online coaching platform


Education is a field that evolves constantly in relation to the changes in the society and the needs of its beneficiaries, taking over and adapting functional models from other fields. The quality of education of today’s generations has a direct impact on the future, as tomorrow's adults need to have strong key competences, but also transversal competences needed in a dynamic and competitive labour market. Thus, the knowledge society implies opening up the education system to other social sectors, exploiting the paradigm of student-centred education, harnessing technology and virtual environments to create authentic learning and training contexts. Within this framework, educational coaching can be a means through which the individual potential of the learner can be discovered and optimised, with multiple benefits in personal, academic and professional terms. In order to achieve academic success, students need to know themselves, set short-, medium- and long-term goals and objectives, develop skills and competences in autonomous learning, communication, self-motivation, creative and critical thinking, emotion management etc. Through coaching activities, students can benefit from academic support and help in the process of self-discovery and personal development, optimising personal potential, collaborating and creating educational communities that share common goals and values. Placing the teacher in the position of a coach, this can contribute to the development of a multifaceted perspective related to the role of the teacher in the contemporary school, as a student’s partner in the process of his or her education. The present paper aims to explore students’ perceptions concerning the need for coaching activities in their academic life and to identify the students’ main needs and directions for optimizing actions and interventions.


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How to Cite

Gorghiu, G. ., Bîzoi, M. ., & Santi, E.-A. . (2022). Exploring Students’ Perception Concerning Educational Coaching: Premises for the Design and Implementation of an Online Coaching Platform in Academia. Postmodern Openings, 13(4), 142-157. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/13.4/511



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