Neuroimaging and the Limits of Brain Imaging Techniques


  • Abiola Bamijoko-Okungbaye University of Sofia, Bulgaria.



Neuroimaging, Extrospection, Mind, Psychology, Philosophy, Psychiatry, Medicine, Society,


Neuroimaging technique is widely received in the scientific community and experts believe that the neuroscientific concepts can be applied to our societal context. The ubiquitous use of its methodologies prompts this paper to look at this technique in relation to the mind-bodybrain-society relationship. This research shall outline cogently that brain imaging technique of today is not sufficient to read all actions through a series of vignettes charted out in this paper. The dearth of conclusiveness of today´s empirical data should not be seen as a roadblock but rather as a conceptual stage required in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of neuroimaging. The paper shall also put a hypothesis forward germane to the technique, contending that the advancement of technology, medicine and future scientific development will eventually in principle tease out a novel futuristic approach which would cover today´s insufficiency.


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How to Cite

Bamijoko-Okungbaye, A. (2018). Neuroimaging and the Limits of Brain Imaging Techniques. Postmodern Openings, 9(3), 64-75.



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