Involving Philosophical Practice in Solving Life Situations. The Action of 4C Theory


  • Vasile Hategan West University of Timisoara



philosophical counseling, conciliation, consolation, clarification, life situations, mediation, creativity, reflection


The article aims to present four ways of action in life situations using the new theory, called: "The action of 4C", with a focus on practical philosophy, through a new occupation, that of a philosophical counselor, which intends to be recognized also in Romania. Three other ways of acting can play an important role in clarifying or solving specific life situations: from mediating conflicts to reflection through meditation, and finally to using creativity for finding a solution, all of them are interacting with the new profession, philosophical counseling. The analyzed actions contribute actively to the solving of human problems, dilemmas or conflicts, and are presented in the paper in the form of the four concepts (4C): consolation, conciliation, counseling, clarification. These concepts are positioned differently on the time axis but they work together towards solving a life situation with direct effects in present and bring clarifications for the future. The paper emphasizes the role of philosophical counseling in solving life situations, being a current concern of philosophical practice.


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How to Cite

Hategan, V. (2018). Involving Philosophical Practice in Solving Life Situations. The Action of 4C Theory. Postmodern Openings, 9(3), 20-35.



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