The Relevance of Continuous Training Programmes Dedicated for Teachers from Pre-University Education


  • Luminita Mihaela Drăghicescu Associate Professor, Ph.D., Valahia University Targoviste, Romania
  • Ana-Maria Aurelia Petrescu Valahia University Targoviste, Romania
  • Ioana Stăncescu Valahia University Targoviste, Romania
  • Laura Monica Gorghiu Valahia University Targoviste, Romania



didactic profession, continuous professional development, training needs, professional competences, continuous training programmes


The didactic profession has a major social importance. However, its attractiveness decreases drastically, both among potential aspirants to the status of teacher – the students, and among those who practice this profession, whether they are at their debut, whether they have already accumulated enough experience at the chair. In this context, investing in the initial and continuous teachers’ training is essential, if we really want to improve the efficiency and quality of the educational process, to have a high/advanced education system, in which to practice the teachers with vocation, dedicated both to children and school. Regarding to the continuous training of teachers, it is necessary that all those responsible for the process - from the Ministry of the resort to the programme providers - to provide opportunities for the training and development of professional competences in agreement with their own training needs. Our study has the assumption that teachers from pre-university education sometimes demonstrate a low motivation for participation in continuous training programmes, because in many situations there is a hiatus between the curriculum offer of the providers of such programs and their real needs for processing and development of professional competences. For this purpose, we have organized two focus-groups, having as participants teachers for pre-school education and teachers for primary education, in order to identify their opinions on the relevance and effectiveness of continuous training programmes at which they have been participated in recent years.

Author Biographies

Luminita Mihaela Drăghicescu, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Valahia University Targoviste, Romania

She is Associate Professor, Ph.D., Head of Teacher Training Department, Valahia University Targoviste. She graduated the Faculty of Sociology, Psychology and Pedagogy, University of Bucharest (1995). She has a Ph.D. degree in Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest (2007). She is author / co-author of several relevant books in the area of education: Education through Sciences. Aspects related to instruction based on scientific investigation (2014), Educational reform between design and implementation (2012); Education and professional development (2011); Simion Mehedin?i - theoretician of education (2009); Benchmarks of increasing the quality of education in rural area (2008).

Ana-Maria Aurelia Petrescu, Valahia University Targoviste, Romania

She works at Teacher Training Department, Valahia University Targoviste. She graduated Pedagogy at Faculty of Psychology, Sociology, Pedagogy, University of Bucharest in 1997. She holds a Master degree in Public Policy and Administration, with specialization in Information and Career Counseling, in 2001. She has a PhD in Education at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, State University of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, with a thesis entitled: Evolution of Fundamental Paradigms in Sociology of Education. She is accredited trainer in several training programs and author of numerous articles and studies published both in Romania and abroad.

Ioana Stăncescu, Valahia University Targoviste, Romania

She is lecturer Ph.D. at Teacher Training Department, Valahia University Targoviste. She graduated Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Specialization Pedagogy, at University of Bucharest (2006). She holds a Master degree in Educational Management (2008) and a Ph.D. title in Educational Sciences, at University of Bucharest (2011). She is trainer in various teachers training programmes and author or co-author of several university courses, books and articles. Here, there can be mentioned: Metacognition and motivation in academic learning. Psycho-didactic guidelines (2017), Classroom management (2014), Education and professional development (2011), Guide of good practices (2009).


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How to Cite

Drăghicescu, L. M., Petrescu, A.-M. A., Stăncescu, I., & Gorghiu, L. M. (2018). The Relevance of Continuous Training Programmes Dedicated for Teachers from Pre-University Education. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 10(3), 6-16.

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