Inclusion of Roma Students in Romanian Schools - Examples of Good Practice


  • Maria Goga Associate Professor, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest



Roma students, inequalities, integration, good practices, school.


In this paper we aim to identify ways to prevent and manage the inequality in education of Roma students. The research was based on the application of a questionnaire and an interview to teachers teaching Roma students in schools. The results of the survey and interview highlights important issues related to the discrimination of Roma students from both students and teachers. In addition, the responding teachers offer timely attempts to prevent and manage different types of discrimination against Roma students. The main ways of manifesting inequalities in Roma students, as teachers perceive, are the prejudices related to the social status of the Roma, the financial situation, as well as their isolation in communities far from the Romanian pupils. The article presents examples of good practices on preventing and managing discrimination situations for Roma students at school level.


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How to Cite

Goga, M. (2019). Inclusion of Roma Students in Romanian Schools - Examples of Good Practice. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 11(1), 88-99.

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