Educational Practices for Diminishing the Dropout Risk of the First-Year College Students from an Agronomic University in Romania. Preliminary Considerations


  • Mihai Stanciu University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Ia?i, Departamentul pentru Pregatirea Personalului Didactic (DPPD)
  • Carmen-Mihaela Creţu PhD, Prof., UAIC, Iaşi, Romania
  • Carmen-Olguţa Brezuleanu PhD, Assoc. Prof., USAMV, Iaşi, Romania
  • Florin Lipşa PhD, Assoc. Prof., USAMV, Iaşi, Romania
  • Elena Seghedin PhD, Lect., UAIC, Iaşi, Romania
  • Mihaela Borza PhD, Lect., UAIC, Iaşi, Romania
  • Ana-Maria Bortă Psih., USAMV, Iaşi, Romania



university dropout, individualized counselling, social-emotional development, efficient learning techniques, efficient communication techniques,


Communication drills a strategic direction of the management of the Faculty of Agriculture, within the USAMV Iasi, to support the first-year students that are exposed to the risk of university dropout, belonging, in particular, to the disadvantaged groups. The target group was formed in the university year 2017-2018 out of a number of 150 students, who met the criteria of the project. Among these, 77 students (48 %) got grades of 7 or below 7 at the Baccalaureate; 77 (51,3 %) belong to monoparental, low income families or with parents who work abroad; 83 (55,3 %) come from the countryside; 10 (6%) are orphans of one parent both parents; 2 (0,13) have been in foster care, orphanages or similar institutions. Moreover, older research (Stanciu & al., 2011) showed that the main problem the firstyear students have to face in their effort to fit into the academic work is the lack of skills of efficient learning (almost 78%). The courses of action for diminishing university dropout were the following: the awareness of the age and individual peculiarities of the students; the emphasis of the teachinglearning-assessment process on the student; the initiation and the running of social-emotional development programmes; the individualized counseling of the students for facing the accommodation problems which may occur ; the familiarization with the efficient learning techniques which may break new grounds toward lifelong learning; the learning of efficient communication techniques; the involvement in volunteering actions.


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How to Cite

Stanciu, M., Creţu, C.-M., Brezuleanu, C.-O., Lipşa, F., Seghedin, E., Borza, M., & Bortă, A.-M. (2019). Educational Practices for Diminishing the Dropout Risk of the First-Year College Students from an Agronomic University in Romania. Preliminary Considerations. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 11(1), 204-223.

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