Forming Professional Mobility in Future Agricultural Specialists: the Sociohistorical Context


  • Irina Gerasymova Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  • Borys Maksymchuk Maksymchuk Izmail State University of Humanities, Izmail, Ukraine
  • Marianna Bilozerova Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Yuliya Chernetska Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv Regional Council, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Matviichuk Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Valeriy Solovyov Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Iryna Maksymchuk Mariupol State University, Mariupol, Ukraine,



mobility, social mobility, labour mobility, professional mobility, professional training of agricultural specialists


The current research implies that the process of forming professional mobility in future agricultural specialists can be effective due to students’ awareness of the sociohistorical characteristics of developing agriculture in Ukraine, starting from the primitive times up till now; understanding of the connection between the manifestation of professional mobility and self-realization of specialists; provision of pedagogical support to sustain continuing education and professional self-improvement of future specialists. The research aims to theoretically justify the sociohistorical background of forming professional mobility in future agricultural specialists. Research methods include interrelated theoretical methods such as retrospective analysis, comparison and synthesis of scientific sources on the problem under study. The study concludes that it is necessary to provide theoretical, methodical and methodological support for the process of forming professional mobility in future agricultural specialists, developing the technologies for forming professional mobility with an emphasis on those qualities that were highlighted when analyzing the sociohistorical characteristics of agriculture development.


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How to Cite

Gerasymova, I., Maksymchuk, B. M., Bilozerova, M., Chernetska, Y., Matviichuk, T., Solovyov, V., & Maksymchuk, I. (2019). Forming Professional Mobility in Future Agricultural Specialists: the Sociohistorical Context. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 11(4Sup1), 345-361.

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