Enhancing the Quality of Life in Young Persons with SEN through Swimming Exercises in the New Era of Mobile Technologies


  • Bianca Chera-Ferrario Universitatea Valahia din Targoviste
  • Doru Galan
  • Adrian Pica School Sports Club, Petrosani




motor skills, digital apparatus


This study highlights the sustainability of using the mobile computerized technologies (MCT) in monitoring the physical activities (PA) for enhancing the quality of the life to the young persons with special education needs (QLYPSEN).

In this study we have established programme by physical activities specific of swimming (PASS) permanently monitored by MCT and the application of research methods showed the sustainability of MCT in enhancing QLYPSEN. This fact will allow a connection with the help of the modern means and an implication in the generation of behaviors adapted to the modern society, the connection between the new technologies and the basic technique specific to the swimming highlighting the need for change and a permanent attention paid to the interdisciplinary use of the training valences. The human evolution, capable of a permanent adaptation, regardless of the existential conditions, makes it possible to anchor, and at the same time, the transfer to a continuous relationship with others.

The psychological and motor behavioural development of YPSEN by PA of swimming realizes quickly and correctly using MCT, motivating them and gaining self-confidence as well as contributing to rendering their social behaviour more efficient and the increase QLYPSEN.

Author Biographies

Doru Galan

Associate Professor Ph.D, Physical Education and Sport Department, Faculty of Humanities, Valahia University of Targoviste

Adrian Pica, School Sports Club, Petrosani

Coach, School Sports Club, Petrosani, Romania


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How to Cite

Chera-Ferrario, B., Galan, D., & Pica, A. (2019). Enhancing the Quality of Life in Young Persons with SEN through Swimming Exercises in the New Era of Mobile Technologies. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 11(4Sup1), 43-58. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/176

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