Explenation of Paradigm Methodology of Specialists in Higher Education System Vocational Training
paradigmatic methodology, vocational training, arts training, art specialties professionals, higher educational system, model.Abstract
The article proofs the importance of the notion “paradigmatic methodology” use in scientific and pedagogical thesaurus, as well the expediency to define it as a science on the structure, principals, ideals, norms, methods and tools of the organization of strict and started specialists’ vocational training varieties. They usually aimed at the effectiveness increasing of higher educational system functioning in globalized information society. This definition is the basis for the conceptualization of the paradigmatic methodology of fine arts specialists training development and implementation of the model; its functioning in educatuinal process provides the effectiveness of students’ operative and volitional readiness for fine arts training during their lives. According to the criteria and indicators of activity of educational and creative actions and willpower to art education in the course of ascertaining and final experiments, the quantitative and qualitative affiliation of would-be artists to the levels of professional, basic and primary levels of the given readiness. The number of students belonging to its professional level of experimental group students, comparing with ascertained data, was stated to be three times increased and the primary – about two times reduced. The number of control group students of professional level has been more than twice increased, and of primary level – more than half as much less. On the correspondence with this model in higher educational system it is to design the vocational training of specialists of other qualifications to the purpose, but one need to take into account its specificity.
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