Pedagogical Training of Masters in Ecology in Institutions of Higher Education


  • Liliya Baranovska National Aviation University
  • Svitlana Pohorila BNAU, BilaTzerkva, Ukraine
  • Inna Tymchuk BNAU, BilaTzerkva, Ukraine
  • Mykhajlo Baranovsky National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine



masters in ecology, ecocentric type of ecological consciousness, pedagogical conditions, special course, pedagogical experiment, readiness for pedagogical activity


The article substantiates the expediency of pedagogical preparation of masters in ecology for forming in them the readiness for teaching the disciplines of professional direction. The scientific sources review on the problem ofconcept innovative rethinking of modern ecological education is carried out, students’ specific teaching principles and environmentally oriented methods are highlighted. The main result of professional education of ecologists should be the formation of an ecocentric type of consciousness, which will allow them to understand the development of nature and humanity as a process of co-evolution, mutually beneficial unity. The results of researches on the problem of pedagogical preparation of masters with highlighting of its contradictions are generalized. The pedagogical conditions of effective pedagogical preparation of masters-ecologists are substantiated, the content of the special course, developed for deepening the pedagogical component of their professional training, is analyzed. The organization, carrying out and results of the ascertaining and formative stages of the experiment on forming readiness for pedagogical activity of masters in ecology are described. The results obtained testify to the effectiveness of the pedagogical experiment.

Author Biographies

Liliya Baranovska, National Aviation University

Dr.hab. in Pedagogics, Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education Department at the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Svitlana Pohorila, BNAU, BilaTzerkva, Ukraine

PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of the Department of Slavonic Philology, Pedagogy and Teaching Methods at BNAU, BilaTzerkva, Ukraine

Inna Tymchuk, BNAU, BilaTzerkva, Ukraine

PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of the Department of Slavonic Philology, Pedagogy and Teaching Methods at BNAU, BilaTzerkva, Ukraine

Mykhajlo Baranovsky, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Dr.hab. in Agrarian Sciences, Professor, Chair of Biotechnology Department at the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Baranovska, L., Pohorila, S., Tymchuk, I., & Baranovsky, M. (2020). Pedagogical Training of Masters in Ecology in Institutions of Higher Education. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(1Sup1), 37-59.

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