Study Regarding the High Schoolers' Perception of the Physical Education Teacher's Personality


  • Tatiana Dobrescu Professor PhD, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau



sociological study, pupils' perception, personality, physical education teacher, high school education


To find out what are the personality traits of the physical education teacher, evaluated through the perception of teenage pupils, constitutes the starting point of a sociological intervention conducted in high school. The paper stems from the author's loyalty toward the profession of physical education teacher, trying to support the identification of certain personality traits that are different through its instructional content and organizational framework from other teaching professions. The paper starts from the belief that the instructional process that is specific to this field, influenced by the people contributing to the formation of specific attitudes and character traits, can lead to valuable influences in modeling the personality of physical education teachers. The research consisted in applying a 12-item questionnaire with closed and open answers, organized at the ”Eremia Grigorescu” Technological High School of Mărăşeşti, county of Vrancea, on two eleventh grade groups of pupils, which totaled a number of 50 subjects. The perceptions of the subjects regarding the various topics were evaluated by grouping the items into 5 categories, according to their importance given by each subject. The data has permitted the assessment of the subjects' opinions on categories of assertions, measured on a scale of 1 to 5 for each question. The items proposed in the questionnaire envisaged the character, behavioral, attitudinal traits as components of the personality of physical education teachers manifested during the high school educational process. The results of this sociological intervention show that in the investigated subjects’ opinion, the physical education teacher’s personality is perceived as a model and an example for life.

Author Biography

Tatiana Dobrescu, Professor PhD, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau

professor, Ph.D.


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How to Cite

Dobrescu, T. (2019). Study Regarding the High Schoolers’ Perception of the Physical Education Teacher’s Personality. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 11(4Sup1), 82-90.

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