Attitudes of Preservice Physical Education Teachers towards Individuals with Special Needs


  • Basak Baglama Assist. Prof. Dr., Department of Special Education at Near East University, North Cyprus
  • Yucehan Yucesoy Lecturer PhD, Department of Classroom Teaching at Near East University, North Cyprus
  • Fatih Beyazit MA student, Department of Special Education at Near East University, North Cyprus



Attitudes, individuals with special needs, physical education, special education, preservice teachers


This research aims to identify the attitudes of preservice physical education teachers towards individuals with special needs based on various variables. Survey method was used and a total number of 105 preservice physical education teachers participated in the study. “Attitudes towards Individuals with Special Needs Scale” was used to collect the data. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis-H test. Results showed that attitudes of preservice physical education teachers towards individuals with special needs were “undecided” referring that their attitudes were neither positive nor negative. Results were discussed with reference to related literature.

Author Biographies

Basak Baglama, Assist. Prof. Dr., Department of Special Education at Near East University, North Cyprus

Assist. Prof. Dr., Department of Special Education at Near East University, North Cyprus

Yucehan Yucesoy, Lecturer PhD, Department of Classroom Teaching at Near East University, North Cyprus

Lecturer PhD, Department of Classroom Teaching at Near East University, North Cyprus

Fatih Beyazit, MA student, Department of Special Education at Near East University, North Cyprus

MA student, Department of Special Education at Near East University, North Cyprus


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How to Cite

Baglama, B., Yucesoy, Y., & Beyazit, F. (2019). Attitudes of Preservice Physical Education Teachers towards Individuals with Special Needs. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 11(4Sup1), 08-21.

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