Sport Activities in Romania – A Tool for Social Innovation


  • Monica Stanescu National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest
  • Aura Bota National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest
  • Roxana Bejan-Muresan National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest
  • Ionut Corlaci Associate Prof. PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest



physical activities, social innovation, education


Social innovation has been depicted as a distinct domain of practical experience and scientific research since the early 20th century. In the beginning, this topic was associated with social and cultural anthropology but in recent years it was associated with the Western sociology. European statistics reveal that Romania has a modest position with regard to social innovation, whose main directions are social inclusion, health and education. To surpass this situation, physical activities could play an important role. This paper presents a synthesis of the current research studies that indicate how sport innovation could be a valuable tool in addressing modern society challenges such as social exclusion or health disparities. Nowadays sport is acknowledged as an educational medium, able to contribute to solving different social issues. In this respect policies and strategies aim to promote physical activities as a tool for social innovation: in the educational process (methods and means), in the educational activities (types of lessons/activities, competitions), in services (adapted or/and unified), or products (adapted equipment for people with motor impairments). However, in Romania, there are less represented aspects of social innovation (ICT in sport, sport as a leisure time activity). This analysis shows that social innovation in sport activities has a positive trend within the general social innovation phenomenon in Romania. The paper also presents the main categories of social innovators (individuals or organizations) in the field of sports, and a series of suggestions about means to develop social initiatives in this area.

Author Biographies

Monica Stanescu, National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest

Prof. PhD

Aura Bota, National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest

Prof. PhD

Roxana Bejan-Muresan, National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest

Lect. PhD

Ionut Corlaci, Associate Prof. PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest

Over 20 years of experience in higher education and in scientific research. Since 1995, he has been working as trainer in artistic gymnastics. Between 2012 and 2017 he has been the coach of the Romanian Olympic Team of Gymnastics, where he obtained outstanding results. All was possible due to his permanent and keen interest in scientific research activity. He published in specialized magazines numerous researches regarding the progress of girls and boys in gymnastics on different devices and training levels, including participation in the Olympic Games.


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How to Cite

Stanescu, M., Bota, A., Bejan-Muresan, R., & Corlaci, I. (2020). Sport Activities in Romania – A Tool for Social Innovation. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(1), 320-333.

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