The Construction of the Didactic Message from the Computer Science Perspective


  • Gabriela Cristea Associate Professor PhD, “Spiru Haret” University, Department for Teacher Training, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ionut Constantin Manole PhD candidate. “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University Chisinau, Moldova



Didactic message, computer science, sociological resources, psychological resources, transformation


The main scope of our study is to analyse the sociological and psychological resources of the pedagogical communication employed at the level of didactic message, exploited from the perspective of computer science approached as a model of applied philosophy. The structure of the didactic message is pedagogically fixed at the level of the correlation between student acquired knowledge and his positive formation. From the computer science perspective, it is necessary to analyse the sociological (cultural) and psychological (cognitive and noncognitive) resources of the information. This information included in the school programs, must be related to the competences that include in their structure three categories, defined in terms of knowledge: theoretical, applied, conditional. The transformation of knowledge into special informatic resources, with a positive formative value, requires their transforming within an ascending informatic process. It involves the following actions: a) transformation of data into information; b) assembling information at the database level, by creating and using algorithms and graphs; c) correlation of information integrated into the database at the network level, applicable in open contexts; d) continuous improvement of the results under conditions of external inverse connection (realized by the educator, the teacher) and internal (realized by the educated, the student).

Author Biographies

Gabriela Cristea, Associate Professor PhD, “Spiru Haret” University, Department for Teacher Training, Bucharest, Romania

Associate Professor PhD, “Spiru Haret” University, Department for Teacher Training, Bucharest, Romania

Ionut Constantin Manole, PhD candidate. “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University Chisinau, Moldova

PhD candidate. “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University Chisinau, Moldova


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How to Cite

Cristea, G., & Manole, I. C. (2020). The Construction of the Didactic Message from the Computer Science Perspective. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(2), 365-374.

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