The Predictive Power of the Organizational Commitments of Assigned Teachers in Different Branches on Their Organizational Dissent


  • Baris Karaoglu Bingol University
  • Mehmet Behzat Turan Erciyes University
  • Alpaslan Gozler Erciyes University



Physical Education, Teacher, organizational dissent, organizational commitments


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the organizational commitments of assigned teachers in different branches on their organizational dissent. The study universe consists of 234 randomly selected persons. In the study, Organizational Commitment Scale, Organizational Dissent Scale and "Personal Information Form" were used to collect the data. Correlation analysis (r) was performed to determine the relationship between the scores from the scales and the Regression Analysis (β) was performed to determine whether the scores were could predict each other. A significant positive correlation was detected between the moral commitment sub-dimension of organizational commitment and the articulated dissent sub-dimension of organizational dissent, and a significant negative correlation was detected between the alienative commitment sub-dimension of organizational commitment and the external dissent sub-dimension of organizational dissent. When the prediction of organizational dissent by organizational commitment was examined, it was determined that the moral commitment and alienative commitment sub-dimensions predicted organizational dissent levels and that the organizational dissent levels of the teachers decreased as the organizational commitment levels increased. In conclusion, the present study was conducted to determine how organizational commitment perceptions of teachers impact organizational dissent. In the present study, it was concluded that moral and alienative commitment had a significant and direct impact on the dimension of dissent and that calculative commitment did not have any impact on dissent.

Author Biographies

Baris Karaoglu, Bingol University

Assistant Professor, Bingol University

Mehmet Behzat Turan, Erciyes University

Dr. Research Assistant, Erciyes University

Alpaslan Gozler, Erciyes University

Assistant Professor, Erciyes University


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How to Cite

Karaoglu, B., Turan, M. B., & Gozler, A. (2020). The Predictive Power of the Organizational Commitments of Assigned Teachers in Different Branches on Their Organizational Dissent. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(1Sup1), 106-125.

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