Educational Leadership – Roles on Work Performance




school management, educational leadership, work performance, management style,


The research objective was highlighting the importance that the headmaster’s leadership style and the organizational environment have on teachers’ perception regarding work performance achievement. Thus, it is to be analysed whether those who are appointed in management positions understand the true meaning of the task they have and the strong impact their leadership style and their way of facing problems in the most unexpected moments can have on the entire organization. At the same time, it is to be studied which are the factors that influence the progress and performance of an organization, what is the level of involvement of the human and material resources necessary to obtain the proposed results and how we can improve both the management activity and the relationships with the employees in order to achieve all the set objectives. In this regard, we conducted a research that aimed at highlighting the role of the headmasters’ leadership style, as perceived by teachers and the organizational environment, on how teachers perceive work performance. The results of this research may be the basis for future more thorough research, with a larger teacher sample, aiming at identifying a larger number of answers at the same questions and their interpretation, in order to verify if the present study hypothesis will be confirmed too.

Author Biographies

Otilia CLIPA, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania

Department of Educational Science

Catalina HONCIUC, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava

Department of Educational Science


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How to Cite

CLIPA, O., & HONCIUC, C. (2020). Educational Leadership – Roles on Work Performance. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(3), 90-106.

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