Social Competency: the After-Degree Development


  • Olena VARETSKA Municipal Institution «Zaporizhzhia Regional Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education» of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council
  • Tetiana BABKO Municipal Institution «Zaporizhzhia Regional Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education» of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council
  • Olena BABKOVA Municipal Institution «Zaporizhzhia Regional Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education» of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council
  • Olena KHAUSTOVA Municipal Institution «Zaporizhzhia Regional Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education» of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council



prolonged development, course and in-between course period, media information support, innovative environment, teacher motivation, social information, students’ self-development.


The system of graduate teacher education is intended to respond promptly to the most pressing problems of society, whose relevance increases due to teachers’ “ageing” and professional burnout, as well as the reluctance of most university graduates to practice their profession. The research aims to justify and experimentally verify the theoretical and methodological principles of developing social competency in teachers in the system of graduate teacher education. The control group included 116 teachers and the experimental group - 65 teachers. The following research methods were used: pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, questionnaires, tests, self-analysis and self-assessment. The formative stage of the pedagogical experiment has enabled a complex prolonged (five-year) development of social competency in primary school teachers in formal, non-formal and informal education. A comparative analysis of data at the ascertaining and control stages shows a significant positive dynamics in the levels of social competency in primary school teachers in the experimental group (a high level - 26.9% at the beginning of the experiment and 64.5% at the end of the experiment; a sufficient level - 39.9% and 25.3%, respectively; an average level - 21.2% and 8.9%, respectively; a low level - 12% and 1.3%, respectively). The developed scientific and technological system of complex prolonged development of social competency in primary school teachers in graduate teacher education is effective and can be promoted.


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How to Cite

VARETSKA, O., BABKO, T., BABKOVA, O., & KHAUSTOVA, O. (2020). Social Competency: the After-Degree Development. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(3), 388-403.

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