Pre-service Primary School Teacher Efficacy to Implement the New Ukrainian School Reform




Teacher training, pre-service primary school teachers, New Ukrainian School (NUSH) reform, teacher efficacy, self-efficacy, attitude, readiness.


The article deals with the issue of teacher efficacy and self-efficacy that are considered to be the main factors in understanding the reform results. The survey administered at university in the western part of Ukraine to pre-service primary school teachers helped to identify student perception of their efficacy to teach in the New Ukrainian School (NUSH) environment. They were asked questions about the key components of the New Ukrainian School reform, the new requirements for the reformed school environment, their attitude to inclusive education, pedagogy of partnership, teaching practices and strategies, communication skills, professional development. It was concluded that the pre-service teachers in the full time programs, both bachelors and masters, have almost similar level of their perceived self-efficacy, while part-time master’s students, who have more than one year of teaching experience perceive their efficacy at a higher level. The problem areas in the skills are identified that will require some additional adjustment to the curriculum. It is important for universities to teach their students to prioritize knowledge acquisition, developing numerous skills, professional qualities, value system, gaining initial experience, which will ensure their efficacy and self-efficacy to effectively work and implement the objectives of the New Ukrainian School concept. In terms of reforming, the national education system requires the new model of teacher training, that can provide pre-service teachers with quality education and help them feel efficacious to implement the objectives of the New Ukrainian School reform.

Author Biographies

Tamara Bondar, Mukachevo State University

Department of Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education

Olena Pinzenik, Mukachevo State University

Department of Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education

Oksana Fentsyk, Mukachevo State University

Department of Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education

Vasyl Kobal, Mukachevo State University

Department of Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education


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How to Cite

Bondar, T., Pinzenik, O., Fentsyk, O., & Kobal, V. (2021). Pre-service Primary School Teacher Efficacy to Implement the New Ukrainian School Reform. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(1Sup1), 458-474.

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