Exploring Saudi Students’ Perceptions of National Exams: A Washback Study
GAT & SAAT, Positive washback, Soft skills, Case study, High-stakes tests,Abstract
Research on washback and impact of tests (either positive or negative) on teaching and learning in the language assessment field has proliferated in approximately the last three decades. This study aims to explore the positive washback of the General Aptitude Test (GAT) and Scholastic Achievement Admission Test (SAAT) based on the perceptions of secondary school students in Saudi Arabia since this topic is underresearched in the literature. While the existing research has provided insight into the validity and reliability of these tests, we have a limited understanding of how these tests can positively impact the performance of students.
In this qualitative study, data were collected from 103 participants using a case study approach through the means of semistructured questionnaires and semistructured interviews. Data were analyzed inductively by employing a computer program called NVivo. The results of the study showed that the participants were positively influenced by the test. This impact was manifested in students’ low pressure test-taking experiences, their successful honing of soft skills needed for future university study instead of reliance merely on indoctrination or the memorization of information and the feasibility of enrollment in universities because the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) is no longer the sole indicator of academic performance. Students’ scores increased due to the method of testing, test preparation and test retaking, which played key roles in promoting score gains and thus accentuating a positive washback.
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