Support for Children with Disabilities, who Live in the Industrial Region


  • Valentyn Teslenko National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv



social adaptation, educational needs, regional model, children 's problems, complex approach


The article discusses theoretical and modeled framework practical aspects of supporting children with disabilities living in an industrial region.

The main goal was to study the traditions and trends of providing socio-psychological, pedagogical and economic support to the above population with further development of theoretical foundations of rehabilitation and social adaptation of children with disabilities in the industrial region and framework justification of socio-pedagogical support and pedagogical realities of one of the industrial regions of Ukraine. It is proved that the basis of the regional model of social and pedagogical support of children with disabilities is always the appropriate state model, as well as the general guidelines and traditions of its implementation adopted in this region. Such guidelines for the Donetsk industrial region are: understanding the problems of children with disabilities not as medical and pedagogical, but as socio-pedagogical; an integrated approach to the use and integration of great opportunities of the industrial region (strong socio-economic and pedagogical potentials and opportunities of all subjects of socio-pedagogical support of children with disabilities); targeted, comprehensive nature of socio-pedagogical support. The mechanism of implementation of the regional program of social and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in an industrial region has been modeled. Its structure includes sectors and areas of activity, the level of implementation (regional, city (district), educational institution), and its implementation consists in systematic activities for the implementation of socio-pedagogical diagnostics of the child and youth environment, identification of the goal and priority areas of activity at the regional level and development of strategic and tactical measures for the practical implementation of the regional action program.


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How to Cite

Teslenko, V. (2021). Support for Children with Disabilities, who Live in the Industrial Region. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(3), 189-210.

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