Willingness to Forgive Oneself and Others as a Way of Personal Growth of University Students
willingness to forgiveness, trait forgivingness, personal growth, university students, personal self-efficacyAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem the personal growth of students in educational environment. It is indicated that psychological consultation with students in the educational environment on interpersonal problems is a factor in their personal development. The relationship between willingness to forgiveness oneself and others and personal growth in university students is analyzed. The factors of personal personal growth in university students were investigated. The following hypotheses were formulated: 1) willingness to forgive oneself and others, trait forgivingness in university students are positively correlated with personal growth, personal self-efficacy; 2) willingness to forgive oneself and others, trait forgivingness, hardiness, sociability, psychological resilience are significant factors of personal growth in university students. The participants were 512 Ukrainian university students (260 women; 252 men). Scale of Deep Readiness for Forgiveness, Trait Forgivingness (dispositional) Scale, Overall Self-efficacy Scale, Scale of psychological well-being, Psychological Resilience Scale (PRS-11), Freiburg Personality Inventory, Hardiness Test, Mental Health Outcome Measures, Depression and Anxiety (BSI – 12) were applied. Pearson’s correlation coefficients to test the features of the relationship between willingness to forgiveness and personal growth, personal self-efficacy in university students were investigated. The multiple regression analysis for the factors of personal growth in university students was performed. The important factors of personal growth were identified by the study. High levels of willingness to forgiveness, trait forgivingness, sociability, personal self-efficacy, autonomy, psychological resilience, hardiness, self-acceptance increase personal growth university students. The presented findings should be taken into account by persons offering professional support for university students.
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