Contributions Regarding the Development and Experimentation of a Specific Physical Training Model for Greco-Roman Junior Wrestlers


  • Florentin Vasilescu Sportif Club, nr. 5, Bucharest, Romania
  • Leonte Nicoleta University "Politehnica" of Bucharest
  • Ștefan Dănuț Tudorancea National College „Grigore Moisil”



specific training, Greco-roman wrestling, junior wrestlers


The use of methods to objectify the specific activities of athletes in training and competitions is not a problem studied to its true extent in wrestling. Measuring and evaluating the predictability components of competitive performance in this sport is even more important given the fact that in free and Greco-roman wrestling the elaboration of models has never been easy, due to the unquantifiable performance that performers have to achieve. Therefore, the issue is the most important field of research in the current stage in sports wrestling, before becoming an operational tool available to practitioners. The transformation of these components into figures allows obtaining results that can define the weight and impact they have in creating training and competitive models, selection models, planning, control and evaluation of the efficiency of training methods and especially the establishment of a battery of tests, usually validated by the method of factor analysis, to support periodic improvements by assimilating the progress in knowledge. From this point of view, we proposed the elaboration of the action strategy in order to increase the efficiency and highlight some components of the specific physical training model, whose materialization at the level of junior athletes decisively influenced the training activity, as a premise in obtaining the performance goals. Our experimental approach took place at the Dinamo Bucharest Sports Club, where the junior sports of the club and the national junior team trained. The training of the junior wrestlers from the Greco-roman style according to the parameters of the specific physical training model foreshadowed by us, demonstrated its efficiency and led to the modeling of the wrestling behavior and performance compatible with that of high-performance wrestlers.

Author Biographies

Florentin Vasilescu, Sportif Club, nr. 5, Bucharest, Romania

PhD., P.E. teacher, Sportif Club, nr. 5, Bucharest, Romania

Leonte Nicoleta, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest

Ph.D. associate professor, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania

Ștefan Dănuț Tudorancea, National College „Grigore Moisil”

PhD., P.E.teacher, National College „Grigore Moisil”, Bucharest, Romania


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How to Cite

Vasilescu, F. ., Nicoleta, L., & Tudorancea, Ștefan D. (2021). Contributions Regarding the Development and Experimentation of a Specific Physical Training Model for Greco-Roman Junior Wrestlers. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(2), 442-456.

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