Training of Future Teachers for the Formation of the Competence of Safe Life of the Younger Generation


  • Olena Savchuk South Ukrainian national pedagogical university named after K. D. Ushynsky, Odesa, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Petukhova South Ukrainian national pedagogical university named after K. D. Ushynsky, Odesa, Ukraine
  • Iryna Petukhova South Ukrainian national pedagogical university named after K. D. Ushynsky



future teachers, competence of safe living, educational process, components, criteria, levels, readiness of students


The article highlights the new conditions of providing future teachers with targeted training to master the competence of safe life for children; the new aspects of the concept of "competence of a person's safe life" is determined, the structural components of the preparedness of future teachers for activities aimed at building a system of conscious actions and actions of the younger generation for self-preservation in all spheres of life are revealed. The purpose of the article is to reveal the need to optimize teacher training to safety aspects of their activities, determine the essence of the formation of competence of safe life of the participants in the educational process and experimentally test new pedagogical conditions of training future teachers to form the competence of safe life of children. To achieve this goal, general scientific methods of theoretical level were used: analysis of scientific literature on the safe existence of the individual, didactic modelling of educational conditions and forecasting of learning outcomes, as well as methods of empirical level: observation, interviews, questionnaires, testing, etc. The results of diagnosing the state of readiness of future teachers for the formation of safe competence in the life of the younger generation are presented. Purposeful work on the development of those indicators of readiness of future teachers to form the competence of safe living of the younger generation, which, according to the diagnosis, were underdeveloped (at low and medium levels), contributed to a significant improvement in EG compared to the results in CG. The international significance of the article is due to the new requirements for school safety in conditions of increased stress, hyperinformation, bullying and other destructive factors requiring scientific solutions. The authors propose a way to optimize educational conditions, which hypothetically should improve the above-mentioned competencies and become the basis for further improvement of life safety, educational and professional activities.


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How to Cite

Savchuk, O., Petukhova, T., & Petukhova, I. (2021). Training of Future Teachers for the Formation of the Competence of Safe Life of the Younger Generation. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(4), 43-59.

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