Gamification in Teaching and Learning Languages: A Systematic Literature Review
gamification, language learning, language teaching, educational application, mobile applicationsAbstract
It can be seen that emerging technology has positively affected learning in several aspects. Recently gamification has been implemented noticeably in online learning and teaching. Gamification has shown its effectiveness in students' integration of the education process by increasing students' integration with the teaching material and increasing their competence. Learning and teaching a new language is a complicated and strenuous process, so learners usually need to be motivated. Gamification can play a role in further encouraging learners. This study conducted the systematic literature review methodology to demonstrate gamification in teaching and learning new languages over the three databases Web of Science, Science Direct, and Scopus. The study includes 103 studies that have been published between 2010-2020. The study finding reveals that gamification can be a useful tool for teaching and learning languages and can increase learners' motivation and turn to learn into an enjoyable process. It is recommended that further research be conducted in language education, focusing on gamification in learning the four primary language skills.
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