Forms and Methods of Future Physical Education Teachers’ Training: An Analysis of Foreign Experience
physical education teachers, educational forms, educational methods, professional training, physical educationAbstract
The article analyzes the main forms and methods of professional training for future physical education teachers in Switzerland, the USA, Germany, Austria, Norway, and the UK. These countries have been chosen owing to their effective methodical systems. Both original sources and receptive experience of Ukrainian researchers have been taken into account. Therefore, the article aims to select innovative methodical tools that are not widely used in Ukraine. Importantly, the article adheres to a transformational and innovative approach to objectification and prediction of educational changes, as well as to comparative, summarizing and other theoretical methods. Consequently, it has become possible to identify innovative features of professional training for future physical education teachers in the above-mentioned countries and outline potential changes in Ukrainian education after borrowing relevant experience and implementing it within the traditional lecture-seminar system. Furthermore, the article addresses the problem of methodological diversity, as well as the prevalence of axiological approaches over those closely related to physical education and its methods. The international relevance of the article lies in summarizing innovative approaches used in different countries to forms and methods of professional training of future physical education teachers. It will allow one to comprehensively or selectively borrow this experience to improve education in the countries dealing with transformational changes.
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