Modernization of Natural Science Education in the Context of Teacher Training


  • Valentyna Bilyk National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Iryna Udovychenko Sumy regional institute of postgraduate pedagogical education
  • Lesia Vysochan Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Kateryna Kyrylenko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts
  • Nadiia Stetsula Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University
  • Svitlana Gvozdii Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University



future psychologists, self-development and professional development of teachers, internship, application of Coworking, BarCamp and Workshop technologies, application of SMART and BYOD technologies, use of visualization lectures and video lectures.


The article states about the personal readiness of future psychologists to use the latest interactive and information technologies in order to improve natural science training in the framework of the integrative acquisition of professional competencies. For this purpose, the expediency of post-non-classical integration of the humanitarian and natural components in the field of psychology was investigated, the relevance of Coworking, BarCamp, and Workshop technologies was reasoned. The readiness of future psychologists to use these technologies after passing advanced training of scientific and scientific pedagogical personnel abroad has been studied using sociological methods. The purpose of the article is to clarify the presence of personal motivation for innovative, integrative, interactive and informational improvement of professional natural science competencies aiming to improve the transformational processes of higher education in Ukraine. A theoretical analysis of the modern natural-scientific training of future psychologists with the identification of promising aspects and a sociological analysis (survey) were chosen as research methods. The analysis showed the need for personal awareness and interactive and information-oriented education. The result of sociological research is the manifestation of divergence between the understanding of the need to use information and communication technologies and mainly personal obstacles to their use. The international significance of the article lies in the fact that its conclusions can be used in modeling innovative conditions for the advanced training of teachers of natural sciences in the countries of “late democracies”.


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How to Cite

Bilyk, V., Udovychenko, I., Vysochan, L., Kyrylenko, K., Stetsula, N., & Gvozdii, S. (2022). Modernization of Natural Science Education in the Context of Teacher Training. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(1Sup1), 25-48.

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