Specifics of Self-Organization of Student’s Educational Activity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
self-organization, higher education, independent work of student, educational activity, distance learning, COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
Education is one of the most severely impacted sectors by Covid-19. One of the problems in the context of the organization and implementation of distance learning is the readiness of students to self-organize their learning activities. The issue of self-organization has been the focus of this article. Analysis and generalization of various studies show that in the conditions of quarantine, the effectiveness of learning directly depends on the processes of self-organization. To activate the process of self-organization, the student should initiate the process of the activity itself, and then update personal priorities to achieve the goal according to value dominants, motives, meanings, and prospects. The basic psychological and pedagogical concepts of self-organization have been analyzed. The role of the self-organization of educational activity in the student's academic success has been discussed. It was proved that formed self-organization of educational activity is a system-forming characteristic of the individual, which determines the value readiness of a student for independent lifelong learning, provides a high level of adaptability in the conditions of social and economic changes, and the ability to develop new technologies and new models of social interaction and behavior. The analysis has provided key insights into phenomena of self-organization in general and student’s self-organization of educational activity in particular.
Based on the study and the practical experience of the authors, the model of self-organization of independent work of students has been presented. It comprises seven main blocks: introductory; actualization of knowledge; reflexive; competencies; diagnostic-reflexive; programming; self-education.
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