Assessment of Sustainable Development of the Educational Sphere of Ukraine in the Paradigm of European Integration Processes


  • Ihor Hasiuk Scientific-research institute for public management and law
  • Iryna Darmanska Khmelnitsky Humanities Pedagogical Academy
  • Maryna Mykhaskova Khmelnitsky Humanities Pedagogical Academy
  • Leonida Pisotska Khmelnitsky Humanities Pedagogical Academy
  • Oleh Suhovirskyi Khmelnitsky Humanities Pedagogical Academy



European integration of educational sphere, sustainable development, educational reforms


Over the past 20 years, the strategic goal for Ukraine is to implement European standards into the practice of managerial activity, which should ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the state and improve the level and quality of life. The activities of state structures show that only the active creation of regulations, the content of which provides for the implementation of a number of reforms, does not lead to the expected results, because as a critical analysis of their content proves, such documents do not contain clear guidelines for implementation of reforms. This leads to negative consequences, which are manifested in the rapid deterioration of the quality of life, reduces the quality of educational, medical, administrative and other services.

One of the most important spheres that ensure sustainable socio-economic development of any country is education. We tried to answer a number of questions: is the implementation of educational reforms in Ukraine successful in the context of the government’s European integration policy; what are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing European standards into the practice of functioning of the educational sphere of Ukraine; which, in the opinion of the participants of the educational process, should be priority ways to improve the quality of education of the provision of educational services.

Thanks to the conducted sociological research, we assessed the existing challenges and threats that slow down the implementation of relevant reforms and outlined promising ways to ensure quality and effective reforming of the educational sphere of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Hasiuk, I., Darmanska, I., Mykhaskova, M., Pisotska, L., & Suhovirskyi, O. (2022). Assessment of Sustainable Development of the Educational Sphere of Ukraine in the Paradigm of European Integration Processes. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(2), 136-155.

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