Pros and Cons of the Applied and Decorative Arts in the Fine Arts Teacher Training


  • Oksana Smirnova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Ivan Hutsul Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University
  • Nadezhda Mironenko Kharkiv State Academy Of Design And Arts
  • Nataliya Ursu Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University
  • Kateryna Demchyk Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University
  • Ivan Pidhurnyi Kamianets-Podіlskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University



educational traditions, decorative and applied artifact, pedagogical potential of the folk heritage, favorable and unfavorable factors, three-component model


In the article, the authors analyze the historical and recent trends in the use of the decorative and applied artifacts as didactic tools in the development of fine arts teachers and education in general and summarize the data received for reforming the musical and pedagogical education in Ukraine. The general purpose of the study is to generalize historical, multiregional, typological approaches to the role of the decorative and applied heritage in the contemporary pedagogical education, to define its constructive and conservative role. All results were formulated in the form of brief conclusion abstracts, which are called the frame public and educational regularities related to the subject being studied. As a result of the study of the methodological literature, the educational policy documents and the fine arts teacher training traditions allowed us to outline two substantial lines for the use of tradition of the applied folk art in the development of the fine arts teachers. The first one is to form values: the awareness of the spiritual, aesthetic, accumulating, nation-building, identification, culture-preservation role of the applied folk art. The second one is to acquire practical competencies of fabrication of artifacts with one’s own hands following the traditional artistic models, or fabrication of elements of such artifacts, variations thereof, etc. The international importance of the article is determined by numerous regions, traditions, approaches and contradictions analyzed within the subject of research. This can be of interest for educational typologists, methodologists who develop new methods of interdisciplinary, cultural and artistic aspects of the future teacher development.


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How to Cite

Smirnova, O., Hutsul, I., Mironenko, N., Ursu, N., Demchyk, K., & Pidhurnyi, I. (2022). Pros and Cons of the Applied and Decorative Arts in the Fine Arts Teacher Training. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(1Sup1), 404-418.

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