How Do the Romanian Students Consider the Research Competencies Appropriate for Their Future Career?


  • Roxana Constanţa Enache Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
  • Gabriel Gorghiu Valahia University Targoviste, Targoviste, Romania
  • Laura Monica Gorghiu Valahia University Targoviste, Targoviste, Romania
  • Ana-Maria Aurelia Petrescu Valahia University Targoviste, Targoviste, Romania
  • Camelia Stăiculescu Academy of Economic Sciences, Bucharest, Romania



education, research competencies, well-being, career development


Students’ research competencies are seen today, for any specialist, as necessary, both in terms of their use in academic training but also for the future careers. The analysis of educational practices in various education systems shows that the development of those skills starts sooner or later along the educational paths. We consider that research competencies are necessary in more and more diverse contexts, together with the development of educational practices that should develop the research competences in the initial and continuous training processes. This study aims to capture the correlation between the perceptions of Romanian students concerning the need to develop research competencies, and the extent to which they are effectively formed in actual higher education programs. The steps made for the development of each career, but also the successful completion of the university studies imply the development and practice of research competencies. The research aims to identify how students from several Romanian universities perceive the need to gather research competencies, what is the meaning of those skills, in what situations are used, but also what barriers are encountered in the research activity. Seeking to minimize any negative impact of research on the well-being status, we believe that a key factor in facilitating well-being is related to responsible research and innovation. Another important aspect of this research is offered by the identification of the respondents’ perceptions considering the importance of research in the students’ future professional activity, which could implicitly determine the interest in ensuring the individual and organizational well-being. For the present research, we aim to find a correlation of research competencies with the well-being status, to identify the necessary research competencies among the objectives of training, to determine the structural elements of research competencies, to identify situations / contexts in which such skills may be useful, to identify aspects that alters the well-being status in research activities, as well as solutions for promoting the well-being status in research activities.


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How to Cite

Enache, R. C. ., Gorghiu, G. ., Gorghiu, . L. M. ., Petrescu, A.-M. A. ., & Stăiculescu, C. . (2021). How Do the Romanian Students Consider the Research Competencies Appropriate for Their Future Career?. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(4), 162-179.

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