The Latest Pedagogical Ideas for Development of Creative Abilities in Preschool Children


  • Liudmyla Shulha Municipal Institution «Zaporizhzhia Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education» Zaporizhzhia Regional Council
  • Iryna Skomorovska Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Tetiana Fasolko Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy of Kremenets
  • Nadezhda Mironenko Kharkiv State Academy Of Design AND Arts
  • Liudmyla Zahorodnia Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University
  • Oksana Piddubna Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University



Psychophysiology of teaching, structural components, methodological approaches, pedagogical ideas and principles, modules of development of creative abilities, model of organization of artistic and aesthetic activities


The article attempts an author's technology to develop the creative abilities of preschool children in drawing classes. The authors have reviewed the latest neurophysiological aspects of creativity and have taken them into account in modeling the framework model of the development of creative abilities of preschool children in drawing classes. The aim of the article is to pursue two successive theoretical and methodological steps: a natural neurophysiological justification of the educational law of forming the visual development of elementary school children valid for teachers' understanding and use and a framework morphed structuring of reflexive, cognitive, and reflective activity of schoolchildren. It is possible with synergetic and, in fact, parallel realization of sensitivity, figurative assimilation of signals of the surrounding world, acquisition of experience and (as a cumulative result) - spontaneous, but framed by facilitative intervention, creative realization of the child's deep needs. The main result of the article was that we realized: a training module can be represented as a synergy of educational-neurophysiological correlations. That is, training modules consist, on the one hand, of target, content, technological and productive settings and expectations, and on the other hand, these settings are inseparable from associative, sensual-aesthetic, activity and motivational (cognition - satisfaction) manifestations of children's psyche. The international significance of the article lies in the reception of the latest pedagogical and neurophysiological ideas for development of creative abilities in preschool children for development of the author’s technology. This can be used by practicing teachers as a model for implementation of pedagogical style in the cultural, social and educational conditions of the Eastern European region.


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How to Cite

Shulha, L., Skomorovska, I., Fasolko, T., Mironenko, N., Zahorodnia, L., & Piddubna, O. (2022). The Latest Pedagogical Ideas for Development of Creative Abilities in Preschool Children. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(4), 69-93.



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