Art Competitions as a Means of Students' Creative Growth


  • Iryna Kondratenko Candidate of Study of Art, Senior Lecture at the Department of Art Disciplines T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”, Chernihiv, Ukraine
  • Tamara Skoryk Doctor of Science in Pedagogical , Professor at the Department of Art Disciplines T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium” Chernihiv, Ukraine
  • Nataliya Drozhzhina Candidate of Arts (PhD), Associate Professor, Director of the Department Music Art of Pop and Jazz, Faculty of Orchestra Kharkiv National I. P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Iryna Tsurkanenko Candidate of Arts (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Interpretology and Music Analysis, Kharkiv National I. P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts, Kharkiv, Ukraine



Musical drama, vocal and choral art, history of art, individual style, values of art


The article presents a theoretical analysis of art competitions as a means of creative development of individual abilities, in particular in the process of obtaining professional education. The article reflects the main theoretical and methodological approaches to determine essential features of the art competition in the context of organization, functional characteristics, the formation of professional competence in students. The types of art as an aspect of creating a competitive task are studied.

The results of the study form an idea of the historical and cultural phenomenon of the formation of arts and the formation of the worldview of mankind, which is reflected in works of art that develop during the evolution of man.

 The relevance of the study is due to innovative approaches in the process of creating and displaying a work of art, in the context of the modern information society. In the course of the research the importance of holding an art competition was determined, the concepts and structural components were specified. Scientific publications are analyzed and the characteristic features of the art competition are determined. The article establishes the functions of education in the field of art, identifies the impact of education on students, the formation of their professional competence and values of art.

 In the course of the research the method of abstraction was used in the study of artistic bases of creative interpretation, a descriptive and research method, the method of analysis and synthesis in theoretical substantiation of the topic, characteristics of music and game activity. To determine the results of the study, the method of generalization and systematization was used. The results confirmed the importance of the art competition in shaping the creative growth of students.


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How to Cite

Kondratenko, I., Skoryk, T., Drozhzhina, N., & Tsurkanenko, I. (2022). Art Competitions as a Means of Students’ Creative Growth. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(4 Sup.1), 58-67.

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