Exercise Influence on Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and Academic Performance in Middle-School Children
exercise, academic performance, self-concept, self-esteem, behaviour conductAbstract
Studies have highlighted the benefits of regular practice of exercise and a positive contribution in the development of cognitive function. Psychological benefits of exercise have been noticed in the academic performance increasing, the self-trust, the emotional stability, the memory and positive body image and well-being. This study had as main objective to analyse the impact of physical exercise in academic performance of middle-school students of a Portuguese public school. The number of participants consisted of a total of 107 students. Of these 107 students, 55 (51.4%) were males and 52 (48.6%) were female, aged between 10 and 12 years and mean ages =11.19 ± 0.81. A total of 41 children (38.3%) from the fifth grade and 66 children (61.7%) from the sixth grade were randomly selected. For data collection instrument, the scale of Self-concept of Susan Harter validated for the Portuguese population was used, where it was proceeded to a descriptive and inferential statistics data analysis to confront the mean levels of self-concept, in the fields of competence, social competence, athletic competence, physical appearance, behaviour conduct and global self-esteem. Results suggest that the practice of physical exercise for students increases the levels of self-concept, self-esteem and school performance of the students.
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