The Influence of BMI on Resistance Running Among Middle-School Students


  • Mihaela Bogdan Doctoral School in Science of Sport and Physycal Activity, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
  • Cristina-Elena Moraru Doctoral School in Science of Sport and Physycal Activity, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania



Physical activity, middle schoolers, resistance run, risk factors, BMI


This study focuses on middle schoolers who undergo a period of transformation from preteen to teenager years. The situation concerning this category is alarming worldwide because these children are prone to obesity. Our research aimed to study the results of middle schoolers in the trial of resistance running and determine whether these results suffered modifications because of the BMI. The study features the results for 800m resistance running for girls, 1000m for boys, and the differentiation indicator, i.e., the BMI. The research group comprised 94 seventh graders (40 boys and 54 girls) from Iași County (Romania). Upon interpreting the BMI values, we found modified scores in the case of 39% of the girls and 45% of the boys. Most students obtained good results (the grade average was 7-8), and none of them dropped out of the test. According to the marking scheme, the statistical results have proven that the girls obtained values between 4.39´ and 4.48´, while the boys scored between 4.31´ and 4.45´. Consequently, our findings show that the BMI may partially alter the results of the resistance running trials; hence, greater attention should be paid to this category of students by limiting harmful habits and replacing them with physical activities.


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How to Cite

Bogdan, M. ., & Moraru, C.-E. (2023). The Influence of BMI on Resistance Running Among Middle-School Students. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 15(1), 13-27.

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