Navigating Aspirations: Understanding What Drives Romanian Adolescents' Career Choices
Occupational aspirations;, academic results;, socioeconomic status;, teenagersAbstract
Extensive research has underscored the critical role of aspirations in the process of status attainment, with a consensus on their significance across the literature. Building on this foundation, our study delved into the factors influencing the occupational aspirations of 8th Grade students in Bihor County (Romania), examining variables such as gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and academic performance. Utilising the International Socio-Economic Index (ISEI) of Occupational Status, we coded the students' aspirations for their occupational status at age 30. Our findings revealed that gender, the occupational status of the mother (as measured by the ISEI), ethnicity and academic achievements significantly shape these aspirations. Conversely, students with a parent working abroad or belonging to the Hungarian ethnic minority exhibited lower levels of occupational aspiration. Additionally, our analysis uncovered noteworthy mediating effects: the impact of rural residency is mitigated by the introduction of social class, which is further influenced by academic performance. Similarly, the effect of having multiple siblings is neutralised by having a parent working abroad, and the negative impact of Roma ethnicity on aspirations is offset by academic achievement. A key contribution of our research is the elucidation of how adolescents in our study context conceptualised their futures in terms of occupational status, revealing the nuanced interplay of various factors in shaping their aspirations. This study not only contributes to our understanding of the determinants of occupational aspirations among adolescents but also highlights the complex interactions among these determinants.
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