Study on University Dropouts In the Context of the Romanian Education System Reform


  • Mariana Floricica Călin Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, Ovidius University of of Constanta, Romania
  • Cristina Flaut Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
  • Daniel Flaut Faculty of History and Political Sciences, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
  • Enache Tușa Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania



evolution of absenteeism, university dropouts, Romanian Education System Reform, alternative methods of action


After 2010, the Romanian university system registered an increase of dropout cases. This aspect requires to identify and implement some alternative methods of action at the national level with the unique scope to prevent and combat early university dropout. The good motivation of the students for their studies is increasingly low. Some of the causes which determine this phenomenon are well known and quite difficult to remove, as for example the financial and intellectual development level of the family from where they come. These aspects can often be decisive factors in the emergence of the school dropout phenomenon. But these aspects are certainly not the only causes. This is the reason for which other aspects, which determine the students to dropping out the school and can be more easily corrected, must be identified.  The aim of this paper is to present these aspects, emphasizing the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to limit absenteeism and university dropout. For this purpose, we present a questionnaire applied at "Ovidius" University on a target group of students. The participants consisted of 500 students from 5 faculties of our university. With this questionnaire we want to identify patterns and trends in the evolution of absenteeism and university dropout.


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Europe 2020 Review.




How to Cite

Călin, . M. F. ., Flaut, C., Flaut, D., & Tușa, E. (2024). Study on University Dropouts In the Context of the Romanian Education System Reform. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 16(3), 32-46.



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