How Employee Well-being Mediates the Relationship between Employee Experience and Work Engagement?
Employee experience, work engagement, employee well-being, human resourcesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of employee experience on work engagement. A questionnaire consisting of both open-ended and multiple-choice items was administered to 308 respondents working in seven main insurance companies operating in Turkey. Employee experience is divided into three dimensions: the perceived importance of managers, work meaningfulness, and career-focused experience. According to the results of this study, employee experience has an important effect on work engagement. Employee well-being partially mediates the relationship between employee experience and work engagement. The importance of the research is that it shows that employee experience practices and welfare policies implemented by companies will ultimately result in work engagement. We emphasize the importance of providing employees with a positive experience throughout their journey, from recruitment to post-employment, as it leads to positive outcomes at both an individual and organizational level.
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