The Effects of Integrated Proprioception Development Strategies in Increasing the Psycho-Neuro-Motor Level of Children
awareness, didactic strategy, proprioception, psycho-neuro-motor, school curriculumAbstract
This research aims to evaluate the improvement of proprioception capacity in 24 male subjects, aged 10 years, by applying an intervention strategy and proposing a specific competence within the physical education school program for the 4th grade in Romania. An experimental group (EG, n=12) underwent an ameliorative intervention for 14 weeks, having two lessons per week, while a control group (CG, n=12) followed the usual football training program at the club sport. Both EG and CG subjects were evaluated, under similar conditions, using four tests: Body Sway, Flamingo, March in place – MIP and Circle, using scientific equipment OptoJump Next and GYko Microgate. The statistical analysis compared the results of the two groups, using the Kolmogorov Smirnov test to verify the normality of the distributions, and to verify the significance of the statistical differences, the Independent T-test and the Mann Whitney U-test were used. The results revealed statistically significant differences in three of the four applied tests, confirming the general efficiency of the experimental program. These findings support the possibility of optimizing the contents of the school physical education program to support the development of proprioception and body awareness in primary school children. The use of high-tech equipment, such as GyKo Microgate and OptoJump Next, can provide standardized data on neural processing of sensory information, thus contributing to a more accurate and efficient approach to school physical education.
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