Petre Andrei's Pedagogy. Theoretical, Normative and Methodological Dimensions


  • Gabriela CRISTEA Conf.Univ.Dr, Universitatea „Spiru Haret”din București Departamentul pentru Pregătirea Personalului Didactic



Pedagogy, normativity, methodology.


The sociological work of Petre Andrei can be interpreted pedagogically from the historical and epistemological perspective. The sociological pedagogy of Petre Andrei reflects his quality as a scientist and professor and dignitary in the Ministry of Public Instruction, including as a minister (December 5, 1938 - July 6, 1940), involved in designing the Romanian education reform. From the historical perspective, Petre Andrei is framed as part of the current of the interwar Romanian sociological pedagogy, launched at the border between the 19th-20th century by Constantin Dimitrescu-Ia?i and Spiru Haret, continued by the "monographic school" initiated by Dimitrie Gusti. In Petre Andrei's conception, education and learning are subordinated to social goals, in order to adapt to the demands of the nation and of the regional and local community. They aim to: develop a democratic, practical and regional primary and secondary school; opening the education system to all social categories; promotion of the general function of the University which aims at "scientific research and science creation" based on which the spiritual and professional training of the students is ensured. From the epistemological perspective, Petre Andrei highlights: a) the specific study object - education as "everything" (just as sociology studies society as "all"; b) the relationship between sociology and pedagogy (as social science); c) the conceptual framework that is based on the education that has as a general function the formation of the social conscience of the trainee.


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How to Cite

CRISTEA, G. (2019). Petre Andrei’s Pedagogy. Theoretical, Normative and Methodological Dimensions. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 23, 43-56.

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