The Specific Of Pedagogy as a Social-Human Science Specialized in Education Study


  • Sorin CRISTEA Prof.univ.dr. emerit Sorin CRISTEA, Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației, Departamentul de Formare a Profesorilor, Doctor Honoris Causa al Universității „Petre Andrei” din Iași



Pedagogy, study object, normativity, methodology.


The status of socio-human science of pedagogy can be demonstrated by its fundamental concepts that define and analyze: a) the specific study object - education approached at general level, abstract (essential, profound) and dynamic (multifaceted, historical evolution); b) the specific normativity (the axioms, the laws, the principles of education) that order the design and realization of education; c) the specific research, fundamental methodology (historical and theoretical) - with a view to emancipating the field - and operational (empirical, experimental, quantitative and qualitative), with a view to correcting / improving / perfecting the activities organized within the educational process. These fundamental concepts set the basic "disciplinary matrix" of the domain, epistemologically stabilized (Th. Kuhn), historically developed according to the paradigm asserted in each epoch - the paradigm of the curriculum, in the postmodern (contemporary) historical era. The pedagogy can refer to the epistemological status of sociology, demonstrated by Petre Andrei through: a) specific study object - the society approached as "all"; b) normativity - which orders the society as "all" through principles and "social laws", different from the laws of "nature sciences”; c) the specific research methodology, in accordance with the specific study object (the society as "all"), based primarily on the "integralist method". In this context, it is evoked the "purpose of the University" which must pursue a more complex purpose - scientific research and the creation of science that forms its essence and justifies its right to existence "- followed by" two other goals: the formation of the student's spiritual personality and the preparation for a profession ”. It is the historical mission of the University valid at all times, in general, under conditions of social crisis, in particular.


Andrei, P. (2010). Opera Omnia (Tomul I-IX). Iași, România: Editura Tipo Moldova

Birzea, C. (1995). Arta și știința educației. Bucureşti, România: Editura Didactica şi Pedagogică.




How to Cite

CRISTEA, S. (2019). The Specific Of Pedagogy as a Social-Human Science Specialized in Education Study. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 23, 57-68.

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