The Feminist Movement: Major Contributions, Perspectives, Communication Landmarks


  • Livia Durac Professor PhD, ”Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi, Romania



feminism, identity, gender roles, communication


The sensitization of the human being regarding the correction of some accumulated injustices ontologically towards femininity is a desideratum that urges reflection, the feminist movement being, for more than a century, the way to reach this desideratum.

The issue of discrimination against women allows for the most varied approaches, due to the diversity of plans and forms under which this phenomenon makes its presence felt, day after day, in any corner of the world. Perceptual abnormality, of patriarchal origin, which perpetually fuels the subordination of women to the opposite sex, blocking in patterns of thinking and behaviour with oppressive accents intensifies and justifies the continuation of feminist activism under its various forms of manifestation.

Feminism does not have the connotation of a simple action to claim rights but is a very complex combination of actions and attitudes, through which the socio-political assertion of women transcends the classical doctrines of rights and freedoms, which remain what has been proven: to be simple theorizations.

Starting from some philosophical considerations, the article brings to the fore the main contributions that have substantiated and structured, ennobling through their value the feminist movement, the succession of reference stages, particularities of feminism, depending on the sphere of influence, ending with a perspective on the confluence of feminism and communication.


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How to Cite

Durac, L. (2021). The Feminist Movement: Major Contributions, Perspectives, Communication Landmarks. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 27, 73-85.

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