The Entirety and the Interdisciplinarity in the Sociology of Petre Andrei


  • Oana Mariana Chiuchi Lector univ. dr., Universitatea Politehnica din București



integrality, interdisciplinarity, social life, social activities, social units


The present paper is a synthetic presentation of Petre Andrei's conception regarding the integrality and interdisciplinarity of sociology as a science. Thus, the concept of completeness of sociology is summarized related to the object of study and also as a specific research method in the complex process of sociological investigation of the social life, as a set of components, conditions and types of activities. Also, the notion of the interdisciplinarity of sociology with other socio-human sciences (philosophy, history, psychology, pedagogy) is argued, as it emerges from the work of the Romanian sociologist.


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ANDREI, Petre, „Manual de sociologie pentru licee și școli normale”, în Opera omnia, Tomul VIII, Volumul I, Editura TIPO Moldova, Iași, 2010.

ANDREI,Petre, Sociologia generală, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași, Iași, 2010.

CRISTEA ,Sorin & CONSTANTINESCU, Cornel „Sociologia educației”, EdituraHardiscom, Pitești, 1998




How to Cite

Chiuchi, O. M. (2023). The Entirety and the Interdisciplinarity in the Sociology of Petre Andrei. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 29, 102-109.

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