Depression - The Film of An Ancient and Ever Present Suffering


  • Ruxandra Rășcanu Professor Ph.D.,”University of Bucharest”, Bucharest



motivation, resilience, development


In varying degrees, the whole world is affected by negative feelings, fear, fear, sadness, lack of energy and the list goes on. In scientific research (not only in psychiatry) we talk about affective dysfunctions. Depression is still mentioned in the Bible, encountered in Saul and Moses - considered an ancient human suffering - precisely because of the multitude of signs, symptoms, it was difficult to define. Unhappy people often say about themselves that they are depressed, that they cannot respond to everyday events. Mood swings go from episodes of not coping to situations where they are able to cope with everyday life and solve problems. These behavioral changes, from mild to severe, create a diverse picture of human activity in clinical psychology. Thus, from the specialists' concern for the knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of depression, being a disorder that includes a complex bio-psycho-socio-cultural picture, we have reached the knowledge of the multiple facets that it encompasses.


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How to Cite

Rășcanu, R. (2023). Depression - The Film of An Ancient and Ever Present Suffering. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 29, 296-317.

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