
  • Maria Roxana ATESOAE Petre Andrei University from Iasi


ocational training, rural areas, labor market


The promotion of the sustainability in rural areas concerning human resources development and employability is an objective for many projects financed by EU funds. Vocational training as a solution for boosting and improving the access of the people from rural areas on the labor market may be implemented successfully only if adapted to target groups’ needs. The support for the inactive persons, for those who are seeking a job and those involved in subsistence agriculture from Iasi county’ rural areas in order to participate to complex programs of training for skills and competences needed on the labor market must rely on an analysis of the context and the characteristics of the local human resources. Method: a sample of 339 persons from 6 villages of Iasi county has been questioned in order to identify the degree of interest for vocational training and labor market’ integration, to determine the main ways of involvement in vocational training activities and the specific needs of the target group in order to enter the labor market. Results: over 90% of the respondents have shown a large interest in participating to vocational training. The respondents appreciate that the experience and the certificate are the main benefits of a vocation training attendance. Concerning the potential hindrances, the subjects consider that the lack of money and the transportation could alter their participation. Conclusions: The rural area development by facilitation of the labor market access for the population involved in subsistence agriculture, which has rather a marginalized status, isolated from the rest of the society instead of an active one cannot be achieved but only progressively and with a mixture of gaining competences for the labor market and developing rural SME’s sector.


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How to Cite

ATESOAE, M. R. (2013). VOCATIONAL TRAINING, A KEY FACTOR OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITIES. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 11, 29-38. Retrieved from https://lumenpublishing.com/journals/index.php/upa-law/article/view/795

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