
  • Simona Maria STANESCU Academia Romana, Bucuresti


Social protection, institutional design, EU accession, candidate countries


The research of the current stage of the social protection systems allow hightlight the domestic capacity to face social responsability asumed as member state of the European Union (EU). As metodology, secondary, analysis were based and EU's Mutual Information System on Social Protection (MISSOC) and Training and Mutual Information System m on Social Protection. Three categories of countries were identified: with stable social protection systems, moderated reforms and in-depth reforms."Stable" social protection systems (Cyprus, Lithania, Slovenia) included social institutional actors permanently insolved within analysed period. Registered monor changes were noticed mainly due to conceptual clarifications. Institutional changes in countries with moderated reforms in social protection system (Bulgaria, CzecH Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Slovak Republic) were mainly due to mutual clarifications and share of responsabilities between stakeholders includind newly involved. Social protection systems in Malta, Romania and Hungary faced in-depth structural reforms in search for suitable social policy solutions.


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How to Cite

STANESCU, S. M. (2014). A COMPARATIVE OVERVIEW OF SOCIAL PROTECTION SYSTEMS IN MEMBER STATES OF THE FIFTH EUROPEAN UNION’ ENLARGEMENT WAVE. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 13, 7-25. Retrieved from https://lumenpublishing.com/journals/index.php/upa-law/article/view/804

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