About the Journal

p-ISSN: 2248-1079 | e-ISSN: 2601-7008 | DOI: 10.18662/upalaw | Frequency | 1 issue/year

Covered in | EconPapers, RePEc, CEEOL, INDEX COPERNICUS, CrossRef, CrossCheck, Google Scholar, WorldCat, KVK, SOCIONET, EBSCO.

Focus and Scope |

Anuarul Universitatii "Petre Andrei" din Iasi, Fascicula: Drept, Stiinte Economice, Stiinte Politice, is an academic journal, published yearly, which aims at promoting the academic communication on the topic of Romania law, economic studies, political studies and more, with particular focus on the scientific production of the "Petre Andrei" University community, with openness to the worldwide community.

Peer Review Process |




This is the first stage evaluation, in which the paper proposed for evaluation is assessed from the technical and administrative points of view. The evaluation is made by the editor in charge with the issue following to identify whether the paper is related to the specificity of the journal and if it addresses subjects that are in direct connection with the current issue's topic. The editor in charge will also assess if the author complies with the editorial requirements, such as the citation system, respecting the journal's technical parameters from the template available online, or the structure of the article.

Only after the technical requirements are fulfilled by the author will the paper be the subject of the peer review process and its scientific quality evaluated. Manuscripts are sent to two reviewers selected from the Board of Reviewers of Petre Andrei University from Iasi, whose scientific activity and expertise corresponds most with the proposed manuscript.


After texts are analysed from the scientific point of view, reviewers communicate their decision and the observations/requirements (if any) as a condition of publication. The editor in charge transmits the reviewers decision to the author and, if the reviewers agreed on the acceptance for publication but recommend changes of the text, it is sent back to the author to make changes. Once the requested changes are made, the text returns to the two reviewers of Committee to check the final version of the text and transmit their decision.

The scientific evaluation is completed in at least one of the following ways:


The blind peer review process consists of assigning a blind manuscript (with no identification information of the author/s) to a reviewer whose identity is not known to the author whose paper is subject to evaluation, nor will be known by the author after the evaluation is completed. The correspondence between the reviewers/s and the author/s will be intermediated by the editor in charge, on behalf of Petre Andrei University from Iasi.

The results of evaluation can be of the following types: acceptance, acceptance with modifications or rejected. If a reviewer rejects the manuscript but another one accepts it, the manuscript is assessed by a third reviewer, or the editor responsible for the issue, who will accomplish the advocate function and take the final decision. If it is accepted with modifications, corrections will be asked for from the author.


Authors are invited to propose their own specialty referrers when they submit their paper for publication. They can be coordinators of doctoral theses etc.

The opinions of the authors proposed reviewers will be considered, in the event of a disagreement between the two peer reviewers proposed by Petre Andrei University from Iasi, or where peer reviewers accept papers with a reserve. Also, this method is used as an additional editorial peer review, in the case of programmes that request it.


Ethical evaluation follows two directions, namely Editorial Ethics and Research Ethics.

Regarding Editorial Ethics, these are analysed suspicions of plagiarism and the improper award of authorship (including authors who contributed to the text or research and the exclusion of authors who have contributed). They also track potential conflicts of interest that occurred after publication by LUMEN, the rights to reproduce images, text or republication rights fragments where appropriate. It is followed the avoidance of double funding requests when the volume of publicly-funded appearance.

The second direction aims of evaluation for respecting the ethical rules of scientific research where appropriate: the rules of data confidentiality; obtaining the agreement of person / persons interviewed or for which you have undertaken research included in the volume; in the protection of the interests of natural or legal persons, in order not to violate any image or other rights of nature provided by law.


Editorial reviewers of translation exclusively target the quality of translations in Romanian. An evaluation is undertaken by a specialist, a connoisseur of the language in which the book appeared or a native speaker and the quality of translation is checked.

LUMEN Publishing reviewers are scientific and cultural personalities, recognized nationally and internationally with a PhD.; in special or exceptional circumstances, having the quality of a PhD student.

The reviewers must have a rich expertise and experience to be chosen as a referent, certified through publications, conferences, grants, etc. and have previously worked for LUMEN Publishing and the LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences.

Publication Frequency

Frequency | 1 issue/year

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Governing Body | Petre Andrei University from Iasi, Romania

Published by | LUMEN Publishing in cooperation with LUMEN Publishing Group (which includes LUMEN Media SRL, Iasi, Romania, Logos Panda SRL, Iasi, Romania and LUMEN Media Ltd, London, United Kingdom).

The Scientific Journals Division of LUMEN Publishing Group is proudly managed by Logos Panda SRL, Iasi, Romania. 

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