ISSN Print: 2559-7604
ISSN Online: 2668-0661
COVERED IN: CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar.
Current issue – Archive – Submit a paper
The first issue of the Eastern European Journal of Medical Humanities an Bioethics was published in 2017. In 2018, the journal published 2 issues, and in 2019 a issue. Starting with 2020, the journal publishes one issue per year, along with 1 or 2 special issues.
EASTERN EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL HUMANITIES AND BIOETHICS – The purpose of the journal is to encourage high academic standard, to amplify professional and public discussions on topics of socio-human sciences in the fields of medical, anthropology, cultural studies related to health, the human body, bioethics and public health. The journal encourages the development of the pedagogical approach of each of the main topics. The journal also encourages papers that address the journal’s field of interest from the perspective of the perceived importance of the field and the challenges given by the social construction of the medical profession and the caregiving professions.