Journal for Ethics in Social Studies

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ISSN Print: 2559-7612

COVERED IN: CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar.

Current issue – Archive – Submit a paper


The first issue of the Journal for Ethics in Social Studies was published in 2017, in 2018 it published 2 issues, in 2019 it published one issue, and starting with 2020 it intends to publish one issue per year, and one or two additional issues.


JOURNAL FOR ETHICS IN SOCIAL STUDIES – This is a journal that publishes articles that address ethics in social studies and especially articles on social studies that raise a particularly ethical issue. We encourage the publication of works related to ethical issues in qualitative / quantitative research in the field of social assistance, education, psychology, communication studies that can bring improvements to the practice and the elaboration of public policies.