We are looking for successful experiences of education professionals from all over the world, in different educational contexts, in these unusual crisis conditions. LUMEN joins the collective effort to face the challenges of a pandemic education.
Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala (Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education) (an open access journal, indexed in Web of Science and other important international databases) launches a Call for special issue – “Educational Challenges in Pandemic Times”.
We appeal to researchers and teachers in the field of education sciences, social sciences, humanities, and other branches and academic fields, for theoretical and empirical works addressing the problem of education in crisis situations, respectively in pandemic situations.
The online environment abounds with debates about the crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Globally, more than 300 million students / students discontinue the classic style of education due to the pandemic. The global education system is undergoing major transformations, adapting to new, challenging conditions, which deprive the learning process of human interaction and transfer it to forced virtualization.
How does the education system cope with this challenge of adaptation?
How does education continue in these uncertain times?
What are the barriers that are involved in the online learning process?
How are these barriers overcome?
What are the most appropriate solutions to ensure the continuation of studies in optimal parameters?
These are just some of the potential topics that can be addressed.
Papers are expected in English (3-5 pages), such as short communication of personal or group experiences in educational practice.
The deadline is March 31, 2020. Papers submitted by this date will be peer reviewed and scheduled for publication in a special April 2020 issue of the journal.
The communications accepted for publication in this issue benefit from the partial reduction of the open access fee (ask for details). Access Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala (Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education), create an account and submit a paper.
Submit your article here.
Deadline | 31st of March 2020
Ana Frunza – Editura Stiintifica LUMEN; Centrul de Cercetari Socio- Umane LUMEN